Sunday, March 6, 2011


So let's start with the why:
There are what, hundreds of millions of blogs at this point?  Every monkey with a laptop is currently putting down their point of view, telling their story, making their complaint, keeping a diary or trying to get noticed; a daunting task is being created for future historians who will have to filter through the abundance of questionable, often unverifiable information, with the upside that they have more raw data to draw upon than was ever available before the digital age began.
    And so why put in my two cents?  Why add to the pool with my loose grammatical rules and liberal syntax?
    Same reasons.  I have gripes, have a story, a point of view, want to draw attention.  Certainly I feel I have ideas which merit expression, and which may or may not be represented elsewhere.  
   At the very least, I have a place to vent.  Can't afford a therapist, but I have the next best thing; a mass of impartial, uninvolved ambivalent readers (and non-readers) who may or may not listen, and may or may not provide feedback, upon which I can lay out whatever thoughts come to mind.  Same thing, really.
    At best, perhaps, I can garner attention, of positive or negative nature, and engage in discussion, debate, and discourse, increasing knowledge and understanding in myself or others.
    Perhaps even better, the slim chance that I might contribute something new, a point of view left unrepresented, a bit of information which is not a regurgitation of rhetoric or fact, but is capable of infusing the digital conversation with Gordian solution or innovative interpretation of one problem or another.
    It will certainly be problems I deal with.  Though I'm not immune to the effects of generating poetry, or the sensation of creating something for the sake of creativity, where there is no dilemma, there is, in my mind, no real reason to apply force of reason.  No sense wasting time thinking about things that require none.  Without conflict of some kind, without objectives or obstacles, I'm happy to keep quiet and go about my business - In bliss is peace, and in peace, silence.
    We should all be so fortunate as to have no reason to speak.
    Not that it would stop us.

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